...And to your right is my St. Mark from Dark Age. It is a Skirmish scale game in which Jon, Wong, Ray (?), and myself play. Two years ago Wong got us into the game, and I thank him for it. Me, Jon and Wong are playtesters for this game and it is quite cool to see how the process works on how a model gets its rules, maybe we should call up some of the GW guys and give them a lesson.
Anyway, I love shooty armies, but this game seemed to love close combat, so what did I do, made the only shooty list in the game. Jon and Drew mocked me, they would soon learn. I played this army in 4 constructed tournaments, won every match, completed every objective, and denied every opponent from reaching theirs. I played every staff member I've met from this game and beat them all horribly. I on average lost about 3 models a game worth about 150 points out of 750 points while killing every model of my opponents. Cool game, great set of players and staff, I'd suggest that people try it out. Here's the site www.dark-age.com
This post isn't meant to be a marketing pitch, it is meant to detail the best prize I won for being 1st in the (all whatever) the tourneys... Immortal. Yes I will be making my own model for this game, my own rules, carving my own fluff, and having a sculpt to look like me. Take a bow St. Mark, I won the best prize that any hobby gamer would want, I'm now in Dark Age. I promptly went to the Dark Age forums (gloated a little) and retired my army, besides, I have to make a new army now that I am making a 'Warlord Hoj' or Warchief, who knows I'm not settled on the title yet.
Remember in 2009 (I think, not sure of an official date), you could be the proud owner of 'Hoj' (told you I wasn't sure of the title).
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