Here's what I'm up to this weekend besides the whole holiday shopping and spending time with the girlfriend... 2 sets of the new 40k Orks... Hooray Orks! 'Assembled' these last night while I was talking on the phone, oh and If you never got the box set, you'll understand why assemled is in the quotes, it was too easy putting these together... It comes with a decent variety of heads, bodies, what have you... but it all snaps together - little to no glue work at all... One of my friends urges me that Orks are all about conversion, but not with these models, it's all snap an arm in and pick a head to throw on it, and bam a Slugga is born, move on to the next. Same goes for the Nobz (but at least I'll be cutting arms on these to make powerklaws), the Warboss (who looks cool but I'll need to add at least 14 pieces of 'Flare'), and the Koptas (not in photo because I took it before I snapped those lego...I mean models together).

As Wong is touching up my Ogres, I have time to dedicate to my 40k Ork project, so most of the posts will be ork related for some time, with the battle reports thrown in of the Fantasy games my local group is playing... That's all for now, and remember if you see a painted Greater Demon on ebay for $3 + S&H it's probably painted like Crakey... Crakey (shown on the right I was amazed the new Warboss was the same size as a Greater Demon so I took this pic real quick), is Greater Demon of Nurgle that was thrown on ebay marked as 'propainted' with a Buy It Now or Best Offer Price of $10! I thought I had a deal, I'd buy it, see what it looked like, and worse case scenario, strip it and put it back on ebay... The paintjob is so bad (even by my standards - so it's bad) that I made an offer of $1 + S&H, within minutes a $3 counteroffer was given, so I picked that ugly thing up. Well, it looks bad, so my group (mainly Wong) adopted this thing as a group mascot of some sort... Maybe one day I'll put his arms back on... One day...
So yeah, weekly updates! (I hope)
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