Saturday, January 17, 2009

Final List 2250 Dwarfs

So I played and won vs. Drew last night, he was playing a non-optimized Dark Elf List, the game was close and the MVP on my end was the BSB and squad of Longbeards who took out two whole squads in 1 round of CC. Close second was the Anvil which cleard out 2 bolt throwers and a unit of shades on turn 1, and provided movement for the charges. Honorable mention to the miners which supporting a unit of swamped warriors to win a flank. The Biggest failure, Grudge thrower - threw 1 rock into nothing, a second into a squad of random elves, killing 5 before the crew was assaulted by a pegasus and some hero of questionable strength. The failure co-mvp will go to a bolt thrower who missed every shot, the one hit, vs. a pegasus resulted in a '1' to wound - the crewmen were left to be killed for their lack of production. The only War Machine to perform well was an organ gun which killed 8 executioners, made them break which rendered them useless for the game.

Final list:

RL AoD GW, SH, RoStone, RoSpellbrk, RoFurnace, MRoBalance
Thane BSB, MRoGrom, RoPreservation, RoFire, RoFurnace, RoStrike
Dragon Slayer
Warriors x21 FC, SH
Longbeards x21 FC, SH, Battle, Stoic
Quarrellers x10 SH
Hammerers x20 FC, SH, Stoic
Miners x10 Champ
Gruge Thrower Engineer, RoAcc, RoPen, RoBurn
Bolt Thrower Engineer, RoPen
Bolt Thrower Engineer, RoBurn
Organ Gun
Total Point Value = 2245

Drew's Dark Elf List:
Goethe (master) w/ halberd, blood armor and pendant khaeleth
Sameth U'el (sorcerer) w/ lvl 2, dispel scroll and seal of ghrond
Nimue (sorceress) w/ lvl 2, tome of furion and dispel scroll
Jotan Woe Bringer (master)w/lance, heavy armor, sea dragon cloak, shield and dark pegasus
Corsairs x15 w/ full command and banner of cold blood
Corsairs x10 w/ musician and champ
Crossbowmen x10 w/ shields
Crossbowmen x10 w/ shields
Spearmen x16 w/ full command
Harpies x5
Harpies x5
Assassin w/ additional hand weapon and cloak of twilight
Cold One Chariot
Cold One Chariot
Executioners x12 w/ musician and champ
Shades x9
Repeater Bolt Thrower
Repeater Bolt Thrower

1 comment:

  1. Every time you bail out on a challenge from me, you should count it as a loss. You said you couldn't play me, but you played Drew?

    As far as I'm concerned that's a loss on you, man.
