Friday, February 27, 2009

My kingdom for an elf :*(

To those of you who didn't know the facts, I shall fill you in.

I decided that I wanted a serious tourney fantasy army, one which is able to win both on general scores and painting scores. Now my level of painting sucks at best and I am currently playing Dwarfs, not exactly a power house. So I hop on ebay and pick up a studio painted High Elf lot for 3420 Yuan... ~$500USD. Sweet deal, 4 charriots 2 dragons, pheonix guard, eagles, etc... Yeah that was in late January, now a minute away from march and the tournament I'm in - I'm fucked at best. I opened a paypal claim vs. the makers of communist goods in china but at this time I have no 'real' army. I could slap together some Dwarf list of suck... NO! I will not, I want to fucking move! My love for Dwarfs has been replaced with hatred towards their tiny legs and their crotch height stature! I could do Ogres, but I want to win a game or 2. So, out roll the unpainted Empire. Fuck I hate stupid circumstances of shit. Anyway, my 1k Empire isn't as solid as my high elfs would be but here's a sneak peak just in case I need to roll it out:

Cap'n - Pegasus, Pistol, Full Plate, Shield, Lance, Ring of Burning Head
War Prst - Barbed Horse, Heavy Armor, Shield Great Weapon, Icon of Mag

Knights x5
Kinghts x5

Pistoliers x5
Pistoliers x5

Steam Tank

Yes a steam tank at 1k, simply because the 300 points it eats up will buy me time to assemble and prime other things that I need for the army.

Still, if it comes, my 1k High Elf list (I hope you come in!)

Dragon Mage, Guard Phnx, Silver Wand

Archers x10

Dragon Prince x5
Dragon Prince x5
Tir Charriot
Tir Charriot

Cries, so abusive, just need the Made in China people mail it... :*(

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